Friday, March 29, 2013


Feedback has been the most influential component of this course for me. I have inquired and received feedback from various sources throughout the last five weeks. Responses I have received originated from my site supervisor, instructors, teachers, classmates, students, and parents. I have learned during the process many others see a need for reducing dress code referrals to ensure less time in ISS resulting in more class time. In fact, I have not encountered one individual who has felt policy is perfect and should not be altered or be aligned with incentives to inspire students to follow policies in place.
The readings assigned to this class have proved beneficial as they have pushed me to be more focused on the purpose of my action research project. For example, I have a clearer, more concise direction as to the data I will collect. My survey questions have become more specific to the research I am developing. Instead of asking students if incentives would encourage them to follow dress code procedures with a yes or no response, I asked would any of the following incentives motivate you to comply with procedures. Choices were available to answer instead of just a yes or no response. Narrowing down the purpose and being specific is a toll I have incorporated for my action research while I took this course in the master’s program.
The videos provided in the course were beneficial in directing my research project. Dr. Timothy Chargois explained the process in which action research was developed on his campus. He conveyed a specific procedure that allowed the principal to be the guide for data collection and development to ensure the protection of students during the process. Dr. Chargois confirmed the necessity of the principal’s involvement during the process. Dr. Johnny Briseno discussed the practice of sharing data in order to improve his campus, as well as other campuses in the district. After reflecting on his video, my aspiration and hope is to complete an action research that will improve Brewer Middle School. In addition, I anticipate cultivating a research project That will improve White Settlement ISD in the process.
The discussion boards and online discussions were instrumental in answering questions I had while developing my action research. I discovered most of the time; other students were experiencing many of the concerns I had during the course. Concerns included data collection, strategies, organization techniques, collecting research, blogging, presentation, meeting with site supervisors, etc. We are all in the same boat so to speak. I realized towards the fourth week everyone has the same questions and although our projects are different, we are all responsible for improving each other.


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