Sunday, March 17, 2013

A standard dress code policy was implemented in White Settlement Independent School District seven years ago. I created a survey to gather data recording the perception our eighth grade students have in regard to the dress code.  The foundation intended for my study is to better understand how students feel and perceive the dress code currently in place.  Moreover, I anticipate creating different possibilities to motivate and inspire our students to excel with dress code compliance for the most optimum time in the classroom.

My site supervisor, Brian Bowman, will continue to direct and assist me throughout the process of my action research project. I have also asked two teachers to support the development of my action research project. They are both eighth grade elective teachers at BMS. They teach Teen Leadership and Principles of Business and Marketing respectively. Their role in the endeavor is to take each class to the computer lab and have them complete an online survey regarding the research project. They will also give proper instructions and background for the survey.

Participants in the survey are enrolled in two elective classes called Teen Leadership and Principles of Business and Marketing. Before students answer the survey, each class will receive the exact same directions and information prior to completing the questions.  First, it will be conveyed to every class their survey would assist my completion with an action research project at Lamar University.  All students will be given the opportunity for an alternate assignment if they decided against answering the survey.
After discussing the reason for the survey and granting an opportunity for an optional assignment, students will be informed that their ideas and perceptions will not alter the current dress code policy at WSISD.  Instead, the information provided to us from each class is to better understand how they perceive dress code so teachers and administrators can find ways to motivate in continuance with the regulations at hand. Additionally, creating new ways to reward those who abide by policies and reward students who struggle with dress code policy will be a hopeful outcome of the questionnaire. 

Finally, the data collected from the study will be gathered by means of nine questions answered with an online survey website. After each survey is collected it will be checked by me to ensure full completion and accuracy. Once the data is collected and reconciled by me, my site supervisor will then proof the results for any discrepancies. 


  1. Will this be the only survey that you complete? Will you follow up the survey with any additional data and research?

  2. I wonder if in addition to the survey you could have some sort of contest where students design and draw/model the coolest ways to be in dress code. The winner could get a clothing gift card.
