Sunday, September 29, 2013

Action Planning Template
Goal: Gather data to support/change the current standardized dress code at BMS and discern incentives to motivate students to follow current policy
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Met with site supervisor to determine if standardized dress code would be an advantageous project for our campus
Randy Summerhill,
Brian Bowman
March 2013
Current data from skyward
Review PIEMS records and look at instruction time lost because of dress code violations
Create an action research project plan about standardized dress code in schools.
Randy Summerhill,
Brian Bowman
March 2013
Rough draft,
Collaboration with site supervisor, various literature and online resources
Grade for research class. Feedback from discussions/blogs and approval from instructor
Survey students to find out how they perceive dress code at BMS
Randy Summerhill,
Mark McKinney,
Elizabeth Moore
May 2013
Online survey, computer lab
Students completed survey and access to the results
Survey students to discover various incentives to motivate students to comply with dress code policy
Randy Summerhill,
Mark McKinney,
Elizabeth Moore
May 2013
Online survey, computer lab
Students completed survey and access to the results
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Survey students to determine what area of the dress code they would change if they could
Randy Summerhill,
Mark McKinney,
Elizabeth Moore
May 2013
Online survey, computer lab
Students completed survey and access to the results
Meet with site supervisor to analyze data and check for accuracy
Randy Summerhill,
Brian Bowman
June 2013
Survey, power point, and PIEMS data
Use all sources to determine the validity of the surveys
Meet with teachers/staff to analyze data
BMS staff
August 2013
Presentation compiled during meeting with site supervisor
Feedback from staff
Meet with parents to discuss and analyze the data
Randy Summerhill,
Brian Bowman
BMS parents
September 2013
Presentation compiled during meeting with site supervisor and feedback from the staff
Feedback from parents
Compile all the data analysis into a presentable format
Randy Summerhill
October 2013
All data and feedback collected
Folder with all the material collected in a presentable format
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Make recommendations for possible changes in future dress code policy
Randy Summerhill,
Brian Bowman
October 2013
Folder with all the material collected in a presentable format
Feedback and evaluation from site supervisor
Make recommendations for incentives
Randy Summerhill,
Brian Bowman
October 2013
Folder with all the material collected in a presentable format
Feedback and evaluation from site supervisor
Present the information and recommendations to the assistant superintendent of instruction for approval
Randy Summerhill,
Brian Bowman
November 2013
Folder with all the material collected in a presentable format
Approval or denial of all or some of the recommendations


Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools

(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

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