Saturday, March 23, 2013

Updated Action Research

As stated be before in earlier assignments, I am fortunate to work closely with my principal on a daily basis. This gives me ample opportunity to discuss my action research project as often as necessary. He has been extremely supportive and excited since we initially discussed my project from the onset. One change we did decide to incorporate were by means of altering the survey questions to reflect what incentives would motivate students to follow dress code and the one aspect students would change if they could. Our expectation is that the research will expose the variety of incentives currently not being offered to students. Furthermore, we anticipate developing a plan for suggestions to change certain pieces of the dress code policy.


We expect providing students with more incentives and modifying the current policy will reduce the amount of referrals and consequently reduce lost time in the classroom.

My site supervisor has also shared the project with another colleague of his and has agreed to present our research to him upon completion. The other principal is working in a district with no standardized dress code in place and hopes he can utilize our research to assist him with implementation.


  1. I am curious to learn if incentives will encourage your students to follow the dress code. I am also curious to learn what the other principal does as a result of your work. Dress code can be tricky. Are you only planning to survey students? Teachers and parents may be able to give some valuable feedback that could help you with the difficulties dress code, or lack of, can present.

    1. come view my blog at
